Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A note of appreciation


Alhamdulillah, I am ever so grateful to everyone who has helped us spread the word, you guys are nothing short of amazing!

According to my pretty sister, Roly has used the first month's money to:
- photocopy 7 textbooks
- buy a dictionary
- buy a pendrive
- buy a sphygmomanometer

I'm trying to come up with a mini poster of sorts to be a badge/logo/whatever people call that, for bloggers to put up on their blog's sidebar for all the random people to click.

Pictures are yet to come, I'm a busy person I am!

Apart from helping Roly out, I hope this blog also serves the purpose of making (inspiring would be a bit too arrogant methinks) all the youngsters out there realize that even poor college students like us can make a difference if we try hard enough!

I use too many exclamation marks.

p.s. hanya Allah dapat membalas jasa baik kalian, hanya Allah yang tahu betapa besar impak wang kalian berjumlah RM10 itu ke atas kehidupan seorang Roly. Semoga ia menjadi ibadat yang dirahmati insyaAllah.

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